The past few days have been extremely hot so I was very glad when I realised today would be cooler. It was overcast so realised I would not be able to wear my new hat with inbuilt solar panelled fan due to the lack of sun. We had our usual photograph at the start of the walk - back again at Reedham Ferry.
It was only 1 1/4 miles into Reedham village but by the time we got there I was a sweaty mess already. I am taking postpartum sweating to the extreme!!
At Reedham we met our third and final sculpture of a boat builder at work. If you look closely in the background you will spot the Cupcake Tearoom. We debated for some time whether 1 1/4 miles walking was long enough to warrant a cup of tea already but as it was 15 minutes to opening time we sadly walked past the cakes.
I took some very uninteresting photos of Reedham despite it being a picturesque village along the river - the cloud didnt make a nice backdrop. The route took us up through the village and over to the Reedham Swing bridge.
It carries the Wherry Railway Line between Norwich and Lowestoft, across the River Yare. In a typical year it is opened 1,300 times (good old google).
Our view for most of todays walk consisted of reeds - for miles and miles all you could see were the reeds.
but were relieved when we realised we just had to walk down the mound rather than turn around and walk back.
We stopped for a break in between Polkey's Drainage Mill and Cadge's Mill where we spotted a new mooring for boats.
By now we had a clear view of Berney Arms - although we had several bends in the river to contend with before we got there.
and then a little while later to the Berney Arms Pub. There is no road access to the pub and it can only be reached by foot, train or by boat. It is a good walk from mum's so as a result we have visited this pub several times over the years.
After a coke (no cup of coffee for Mum today) we stopped for lunch a little way up the river. We would have made my Nanny proud as in true Dugdale style we dipped our feet whilst eating!
We went back on ourselves to the mill again in order to walk to Mums house. We would pick up the last part of the Wherryman's Way route on our last day of walking. Instead we joined the Weavers Way route towards Halvergate.
We passed Berney Arms train station - although only two trains stop each day!
Animal obstacle number 1 - swans with three cygnets who decided to sit right in front of a gate! I discovered I hate hissing swans.
I was so focused on the bullocks that had circled us and were trying to attack us from behind that I didn't even look for cow pats! Slimy cow pats at that!
After finally composing myself of obstacle number 2 I had to contend with the next obstacle only two fields along! I was happy enough walking through fields of cows especially as Mums house was getting nearer...
(admittedly it looks tiny on the picture but in real life it was huge)
So technically there were four animal obstacles if you include the bull that I didn't know about.
We finally got to Mums house where my stepdad waved at us from the garden - look closely and you may spot him!
After our long walk we had a well deserved foot soak!
So only one more walk to go for us to have completed the Wherryman's Way route!
As requested - more photos of Adam. This week we discovered that although he was physically ready for a door bouncer (he has had control over his head from birth and can nearly sit) we isnt actally tall enough for one yet! The poor boy was just dangling from it and even when Chris pushed it down his feet still wouldnt touch the floor - hence Adams puzzled expression!
Adam continues his love affair with Pickle the Penguin
and we continue to try to get Adam to smile (or even look at the camera) for family photos!
Remember you can sponsor my walk at -
and find out more about Hyperemesis and the Pregnancy Sickness Support charity at